Contact Us

Come visit us and see for yourself why we are the best choice for your dog's care! To download our free scheduling app select
web version, scan the QR code, click on Apple App store or Google Play. Private tours are available by appointment only and can be scheduled using the Premier K-9 app.

1. Download app.
2. Create your profile
3. Create your pets profile,enter vaccine dates, and upload proof of vaccination
4. Select “Agreements” read and sign our waiver.
5. Select “Make Reservation“ and or select “Send Message” and let us know how we may be of service.

Phone Calls and messages will be returned by the end of the following business day.

Methods of payment accepted, CASH, check, Venmo, Zelle, credit card, or wire transfers. If a debit or credit card is utilized a processing fee of 3% shall be applied.

Venmo -

Zelle -

33 S. Melbourne St., Beverly Hills FL 34465

Please follow us on social media

Please check our social media for videos and pictures of your pets